samedi 17 août 2013

EPICTV Adventure communique : BestTrick Coverage AND Mid-Week Recap | Crankworx Whistler 2013

Coverage from the Crankworx Whistler 2013 Best Trick (err, crash) was absolutely mad, with huge crowds and all sorts of INSANE tricks being thrown down.

Big tricks meant big crashes as riders pushed the limits of the limits. Check out all the action, you WILL NOT BE disappointed!

Athletes: Martin Soderstrom, Mike Montogmery, Another Messere, Yannik Granneri


A short edit recapping some of the BEST BITS of the first half of the 2013 Crankworx here in Whistler 2013.

Includes Speed and Style, Enduro and Air DH.

Director: Chris Seager
Producer: Jacob Gibbins

Athletes: Mick Hannah, Sam Blenkinsop, Steve Smith, Danny Hart, Jared Graves, Sam Pilgrim

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