vendredi 6 décembre 2013

Vidéo d'EPICTV Adventure : Jack Reading, World Class DH MTB Whistler | To the Point, Ep. 6

Jack Reading, World Class DH MTB Whistler | To the Point, Ep. 6

A year MTBing in Whistler's mountain bike park will change you, and Jack Reading is living proof of what riding the MTB MECCA that is Whistler will do to you.
Jack spent a year living in Whistler, and every summer he likes to return to see old friends, have a good time and compete in the races and events that Crankworx brings with it.
Check out some 2012 footage of Jack riding on some classic Whistler trails, can you recognise any? If so you might be the next Jack Reading.

Click here to see the video!

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