lundi 20 janvier 2014

James Doerfling - Guns, Dirt, and Big Mountain MTB Lines : vidéo d'EPICTV Adventure

This video is just hands-down a great mountain bike video.

Watch it and share with your readers, it's sick.
James Doerfling has made a name for himself as a mountain biker who knows how to handle real mountains. Growing up in Williams Lake, British Columbia he came to know the forests and mountains around him through biking and hunting better than most people know their own backyards. 

Now James is taking us back to some of his old haunts around Williams Lake and Farwell Canyon to show us the most majestic trails and ridge lines. James make them all look like a Sunday afternoon jaunt, but we have a feeling they are anything but.

Feel free to embed* and share...
*To get the embed link for this video, click on the image or link above which will take you to the epictv website, then hover over video, click the share icon (second button on top right) and copy the embed link! 

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