vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Spend a Day in This Dirt Jumper's Office, Prepare to Hate Your Job -- Dirt Life with Matt Jones, Ep. 5

| Dirt Life with Matt Jones, Ep. 5

Matt Jones makes everything look amazing. His smooth moves and upbeat attitude make for a great video that will surely inspire your readers to get on their bikes.

Another weekend has come and gone in Spain, which means Matt is in the office early on Monday and, um...having the time of his life. Of course, even professional mountain bikers have work obligations. In Matt's case, it's 'Mini-Flip Mondays' in which he has to do backflips off of the smallest jumps he can find and capture them on video.

In between mini-flipping Matt works in the foam pit and sorts out a plumbing problem - and they say kids these days have no pragmatic abilities. A rainstorm gives him the opportunity to ride Green Park in Barcelona but he's back out on the dirt of La Poma at sunset in order to get a few last jumps in before dark.

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