mercredi 18 décembre 2013

No Holds Barred Trials Riding Blow-Out | Mike Steidley Summer Sessions VIDEO EPIC TV

No Holds Barred Trials Riding Blow-Out | Mike Steidley Summer Sessions, Ep. 8

Doing things you couldn't do on foot - on a bike. Mike Steidley pulls out all the stops and finishes Season 1 with a bang - a full-on, pure trials riding video to top off a brilliant series.

11x US Trials Champ has taken you all over the world this summer to ride the best of the best. With Autumn approaching he wanted to get one last 'Pure Riding' episode together.

Welcome to no holds barred riding on gorgeous oceanside terrain in Narragansett, Rhode Island. It was a perfect Fall day to execute some precision balance, jumps, and technical maneuvers.

Stay tuned for Season 2 where Mike will be traveling the globe to bring you the finest riding locations this planet has to offer.

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